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Ocio London in partnership with Klafs brings you the most innovative and smart Technology solutions available to the Wellness market.

Klafs exclusive range of digital controls are market leaders providing advanced Wellness software solutions. An example of this is the Klafs IMES panel which allows a huge range of programming options and Remote Access functionality to clients of Ocio London.

Not only is Klafs technology class-leading, all Klafs controls have been ergonomically designed to be intuitive and easy to use, with simple and straightforward feedback of data and key operational programme data, as well as self diagnosis and error message functionality. 

Klafs Technology by Ocio London can be harnessed either to maximize operational effectiveness or perhaps to manage energy expenditure, or simply because you love gadgets! Imagine being able to turn your Home sauna on by sending an SMS as you leave the office, as you finish a meeting or when you fly back into an airport after a business trip? This is possible with Klafs IMES interface!  Want to integrate activating your Klafs sauna or Sanarium with Building Management Systems such as Crestron or Lutron? Via the Klafs IMES panel, the cabin can be turned on or off remotely via the BMS from anywhere in your residence!

Should you feel that Touch screen technology is more up your street, then you must opt for the Klafs Touchcontrol which provides touch screen functionality when programming or changing a cabin’s parameters or manipulating lighting or sound. 

Klafs Touchcontrol Professional is a Facility Management tool permitting a Manager to control and oversee up to 12 individual cabins from the comfort of their offices.
Klafs Touchcontrol Professional not only provides real time feedback cabin by cabin, the system will also generate a SMS to your roving technical support personnel when any issues arise such as someone leaving a sauna door open!                    

The Klafs Touchcontrol is located externall to the cabin, but should you or your client require the functionality to change the programmable cabin parameters from within a Klafs sauna or Sanarium while in operation, the Klafs Wellcontrol Remote Control system allows you to do this.

Klafs Climate Manager Technology and numerous other energy saving technologies are covered in more depth with the Sustainability section of this website. Ocio London‘s team can provide in-depth information on Klafs Technology and how this technology can ensure the longevity and safe and energy efficient operation of your Klafs installation.